SHRM MENA STAR Awards 2024

SHRM MENA is proud to present for the second year, SHRM STAR (Sustainable and Transformational Achievement Recognition) Awards, where we invite you to participate in a platform to showcase your achievements as HR professionals, teams, leaders, and employers. This is a recognition that SHRM acknowledges as “Going beyond HR” with a focus on ambition, drive, innovation, and outstanding results, demonstrating enterprise-wide success as a result of a future-focused HR strategy. Check out all five award categories and criteria below, you may choose to apply for one or more categories.

These awards will acknowledge HR teams and organizations that have worked passionately towards excellence in HR practices through constant innovation, agility in managing disruption, and excellence in people management while being aligned to business outcomes.

The awardees will be acknowledged in a mega networking event as part of the SHRM MENA Annual Conference. This event brings together key stakeholders in business and, foremost, Human Resources professionals from across MENA and GCC. Boosting your employee morale and celebrating best practices that reinvent the role of HR with your industry peers will be the highlight of the evening!

Count Every Second Until the Event

SHRM Star Award Categories 2024
Excellence in Learning & Development
Excellence in Leadership Development
Excellence in Performance & Rewards
Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Excellence in Talent Acquisition & Retention
Excellence in HR Technology
Excellence in Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
Excellence in Health & Well-Being

Johnny C. Taylor

Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP

President & CEO, SHRM
Achal Khanna

Achal Khanna


Betty Thompson

Betty Thompson

Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer, Booz Allen Hamilton & Board Chair, SHRM

As we examine the future of work, the potential impression that HR's leadership can make in ensuring business success is immense. In keeping with our belief that HR has the power and the responsibility to advance the very nature of business to create better workplaces and ultimately, a better world, SHRM’s new brand initiative: Cause the Effect focuses on the new horizon of the world of work, and seeks to actively influence the landscape of business.

We are living an earned life when the choices, risks, and effort we make in each moment align with an overarching purpose in our lives, regardless of the eventual outcome. Know more about discovering the steps to earning your path to fulfillment and living without regrets - from the world-renowned executive coach and New York Times bestselling author himself.

Marshall Goldsmith

Marshall Goldsmith

Executive Leadership Coach and Author

Cultivating a strong company culture is more important than ever, especially with more teams working remotely and organizations are on a mission to reduce the stress of today's workforce and help them find a work life balance to improve their overall wellbeing. Beyond this, the need to ensure financial wellbeing of employees has gained popularity in recent times. In this session, know more about the benefits Financial Inclusion, Earned Wage Access (EWA), and how technology can help implement such benefits.

The workforce, and the workplace, are changing at a pace faster than ever before, and to deliver maximum impact on results and effectively align teams and talent with the organization's strategic plans, leaders must deeply understand the business, focus strategically, understand how to influence change, and play a key role in solving business problems. Join this session to be able to thrive in the business environment of the future by exploring progressive ways to evolve and disrupt traditional business practices, while building the relationships and influence necessary to gain approval and executive support.

Jim Link

Jim Link


Stories resonate and stick with the audience in ways that data alone does not. When it comes to presenting data effectively, the use of pictures and story-telling cannot be emphasized enough. Know more about eliminating clutter, building credibility and ultimately driving audiences to understand and act, as part of this session.

If there were any boundaries between work and life remaining, those were shattered as our work entered our homes on a more full-time (or over-time!) basis. And weren't we saying we were too busy before all of this? Professionals are being stretched to the limit, and burnout is just around the corner if we can't find and maintain balance in our lives. This session is a fresh breath of air for you to set boundaries, preserve your energy, and banish burnout once and for all, to reengage with meaningful work.

Samer M. Bokharee

Samer M. Bokharee

CHRO, Nahdi Medical Company
Nawaf Kably, Chartered FCIPD

Nawaf Kably, Chartered FCIPD

Chief Human Resources Officer – Saudi Arabia, Gulf International Bank – Saudi Arabia

The hybrid workplace has brought in the realization that blended learning is a common-sense concept that results in great learning success. The blended learning approach is a lot more than simply acknowledging that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to training. Blended learning can be a big advantage since more than one training method to train on one subject is utilized. Hear from experts on how the upskilling and reskilling requirements can be met aided by technology.

There is a direct and measurable relationship between employee engagement and an organization's success. Employees who know that they are working towards goals that drive business outcomes, as well as their own goals for professional growth and learning, develop ownership in the organization's success that boosts employee engagement. Join this session to connect the dots from organization goals to job descriptions to individual goals, learn the different goal types and measures, and see how ongoing coaching and feedback leads to a more effective performance review process.

In the GCC, the workforce has traditionally been cosmopolitan and mostly made of expats. This trend has been challenged over the past few years where GCC governments have taken a firm stand on nationalization efforts to ensure that the native population is not overlooked. Join this session to see how you can optimize your workplace to attract local talent and shift the mindset in your organization from seeing nationalization as a compliance mandate to seeing it as a socially responsible role to build the local talent and give back to the local communities as well as being a key competitive advantage and a driver for the economy.

Nabil Al Messabi

Nabil Al Messabi

CHRO, Taqa
Fatima Alloghani

Fatima Alloghani

Emiratisation Director, Majid Al Futtaim - Holding

Understandably, managers are the greatest drivers of engagement for their direct reports. People join companies, but leave managers. With the Great Resignation raging on, modern management is all about empowering teams and retaining top performers. Providing for superlative employee experience while ensuring ample avenues for career progression hold the key to long tenures in organizations. In this session, you'll learn how to build a high-performing and engaged team that can tackle any business challenge, any day.

Najib Makarem

Najib Makarem

Group Chief Human Capital Officer, BEEAH Group
Nadeem Baig

Nadeem Baig

CHRO, Aramex International LLC. – Dubai

Diverse, Digital, & Distributed workforces are the future. And in the absence of a culture of ownership, grasping success can be challenging. It is important to bring objectivity to subjective ideas in terms of what an ownership culture entails. Every workplace has Owners, Renters, and Vandals. Owners make big commitments, continually increase value, reach for responsibility, include others, and see the big picture. Shaping an environment, whether in-person or remote, where everyone wants to invest their best daily, transforms culture! This session will equip you with language, understanding, and tactical next steps towards achieving success.

The classic performance appraisal process has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Shifting from a once-a-year review process to make pay decisions and disciplinary actions, the performance management system is now a business driver and an employee retention tool. Some organizations have abolished the performance appraisal but still have a performance management process. This session underscores the shift of the performance management system to a more productive, versatile, value contribution process that pleases employees, their managers, and top executives.

Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D.

Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D.

Chairman, ROI Institute

While technology is undoubtedly among the leading factors impacting business disruption, it often takes a lot more than technology alone to ensure business success. Organizations need to also consider the human side, to make digital transformation succeed. Leaders need to foster the right digital culture and enable the right technological tools and empower people for digital success. This session will explore actionable insights for leaders to improve digital leadership and culture in their organizations.

Most people are inclined to put their energy into dealing with what's right in front of them-that is, what needs to be done today. But when it comes to the future workforce, prioritizing the here and now is not the optimal strategy. To keep pace with the anticipated demands and priority shifts of the next decade, organizations must start actively engaging in developing workforces today, and technology plays a major role in ensuring this transformation. In this session, know how leaders can leverage the best of WorkTech with key leadership skills in order to engage their current workforce and motivate them to up their game.

Mussad Sabah AlDhobei

Mussad Sabah AlDhobei

CHRO, Takamol
Haithem A Albalawi

Haithem A Albalawi

Chief HR Officer, Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH)

Hybrid work brought with it a unique set of perks, as well as challenges. With the flexibility and excessive exposure to technology, came the perils of weakened cybersecurity and its devastating after-effects. As the threat of malware attacks loom, organizations are having to ramp up their efforts to secure safe usage of technology and identify trusted devices so as to protect the emotional wellbeing of its people. This session explores how blockchain technology and quantum mechanics can be used to fortify your organization's cybersecurity safety net.

While referring to Technology and the Future of Work, it's only fair that organizations ponder over which path to adopt. Some experts predict a dystopia with high employee dissatisfaction caused by technology overdose, while others foresee a utopia where technology plays the role of a saviour in our lives. The determining factor would be how the world of work and its support system would respond to the ever-changing scenario. This session discusses perspectives associated with the need for WorkTech innovation and its ramifications.

Manish Misra

Manish Misra

Group Head HR Transformation & Special Projects, Emirates National Oil Company

Energy is everything. It is the spark that brings hope, joy and the ability to express who we truly are so that we may share our unique gifts with the world around us. Once we discover what energizes people, we must then create a space for their interests and passions to be nurtured, developed and shared. When this occurs, magic is born - especially when their story is aligned with that of the organization they work for. In this inspiring session, you will learn how to awaken the energetic potential of your workforce as a catalyst for sparking creativity, innovation and extraordinary career stories.

Simon Alexander Ong

Simon Alexander Ong

Life Coach & Business Strategist

In today's and future workplaces, organizations are under pressure to compete and sustain the growth of the business and its continuity. Leaders can no longer afford to rely on 'comfortable' hiring decisions and need to challenge their existing paradigms when it comes to empowering women, youth, and people of determination. Women are at times subconsciously dismissed because 'only a man can do the job', so are youth and people of determination because they either 'don't have enough experience' or 'are not fully capable' respectively. Join this session to see how you can shift this paradigm in your business and leverage these exceptionally capable diverse groups to help support your organization's vision, strategy, and business continuity.

Fara Sidiqi

Fara Sidiqi

Global CHRO, Aster Group

Mental health is overlooked by many people and stigmatized by even more. But attitudes are changing and the pandemic has accelerated that shift. As employees open up, the overall feeling is that they felt worn down, burnt out and irritable at the end of the workday. As organizations scamper to implement innovative EAPs encompassing mandatory, incentivized mental health days, mental health scheduling support, and subscription services for mental wellness, this session discusses how selfcare needs to be made the new norm to deal with the issue before it snowballs into an all-new pandemic.

Marjorie Morrison

Marjorie Morrison

CEO & Co-Founder, Psych Hub

Empathy is a critical HR leadership skill. It helps to build and sustain positive workplace relationships, foster diversity and inclusion, encourage cooperation and collaboration, and facilitate conflict management. Empathy generates an appreciation for others, paving the way to more productive working relationships. As managers realize the need to hone empathic leadership skills, improve leadership effectiveness and increase their organizational culture, this session explores ways to create a culture of empathy to have a pulse on your team and provide insights on how to meet the needs of your employees.

Evaluation Process

Level 1 – Preliminary Screening of all Submissions: 6th October 2024 to 10th October 2024
(Ongoing Basis)

Initial screening of all applications forms to check for completion/missing information. Opportunity for participants to complete the form and/or share additional collateral/supporting documents as per ask

Level 2 – Final Jury Evaluation: 14-15-16 October 2024

  • Once the deadline for submissions has passed, the collected entries will be exclusively reviewed by an external judges panel to ensure impartiality, fairness, and confidentiality.
  • The judges will refer to the criteria listed in the application form when evaluating each entry.
  • Each judge will score every award entry individually based on the submission’s strength and relevance to the award’s criteria
  • Senior representatives from the participating organizations will need to make a presentation to the jury and respond to any questions the jury may have. This interaction will be planned virtually and the dates will be shared with sufficient notice.
  • A final decision/score will be reached by consensus by the jury
  • SHRM will not interfere in the judging process, and no other members besides the jury will have a say in the evaluation.

Winner Announcement: The winners will be announced and awarded at the SHRM MENA Annual Conference scheduled on 14th November, 2024. The winners will be revealed on the Awards Ceremony Event, and the decision will be final. The organizers and judges will not engage in any correspondence regarding the results.

Evaluation Parameters

  • The jury will be evaluating participating organizations on three broad parameters:


  • Innovativeness of the practice/system. Its’ uniqueness to the organization and difference from practices followed in the industry or parallel industries.
  • Integration of the practice/system with the HR strategy and overall organization strategy
  • Variety of approaches/delivery modes/platforms used in the practice/system
  • Awareness generation and popularizing the system/process in the organization (including communication about the same)


  • Comprehensive performance metrics to track success of the system/process
  • Parameters used to measure business and strategic impact of the practice/system (qualitative and quantitative data tracking the business impact of the program)
  • Parameters used to measure the satisfaction, usage, and value of the practice/system to the target employees and percentage of employees (from the targeted population) covered by the program (tracking the people impact of the program)
  • Recognition of the system/process in internal and external forums


  • Financial and people related investment made for the system/practice (can also include details of organizational culture and infrastructural changes made to incorporate the practice/system and leadership buy-in for the system/practice)
  • Adequate balance between human touch (exceptions, personal connect) of the practice/system and its routine and consistency (through established norms, detailed guidelines)
  • Continued improvement in the metrics/sustained reasons for design and implementation of the system/process
Eligibility Criteria
Open to SHRM members and non-members

Open to organizations across industries and status (private/government/semi-government)

Open to organizations across different legal entities (multi-national/national/local). However, the evaluation will be based on the practice or system followed in the Middle East

Participating organizations should have been in operation in the Middle East for the last three fiscal years (since FY 2020-21)

The submitted practice/system should have been implemented for at least two performance cycles

The initiatives/projects shared in the application form should be completely executed or should be an ongoing initiative/project. No initiatives in the planning/ conceptualizing stage may be mentioned.

The awards management has the right to ask for documentary proof of information provided/ audit the information shared.

The awards management holds the right to disqualify any application which does not meet the eligibility criteria.

If at any time, any information provided by the nominating organisation is found to be incorrect in any manner, the nominating organisation will be disqualified from the awards process.

Application Process

Step 1: Download the application forms for the category/categories you are interested in. Please note these are for reference on what data is to be filled. You will have to fill the forms digitally on our platform for which the login credentials will be shared with you once you have registered for the awards.

Step 2: Register for the awards by filling in your details, acknowledging our privacy terms and making payment based on the number of categories applied for using the link below (link to redirect to the registration page)

All applicants need to make a one- time (non – refundable) Application Fee as per below details. Should you require an offline Performa Invoice, reach out to us on our official awards mailbox [email protected]. Post payment, you will receive a confirmation email which will also have the login credentials for filling the form online and attaching supporting documents, if any.

1 Category

$ 750

Award Application Fee

2 Categories

$ 1,250

Award Application Fee

3 Categories

$ 1,750

Award Application Fee

4 Categories

$ 2,250

Award Application Fee

Prices are exclusive of tax.

The payment of the Application fee can be made online by clicking on the below Link:

Step 3: Complete your application by filling the digital form and attaching any supporting documents on the platform using your login credentials. You may save your form as you complete it and submit post completion.

Note: You can also attach supporting documents of maximum 15 pages/slides for a particular award category. These collaterals will be accepted only in the form of PDF (un-editable). Applicants also have the option to submit a video of up to 5 min to support their application. This video needs to talk specifically about the intervention/ practice been showcased and should not be a generic one.

Additional points:

Award Registrations Open – 5th June, 2024

Last date to submit completed Application form – 06th October, 2024

All paid award participants, will have one pass to attend the awards event on 13th November 2024 (Additional passes will be paid. You may contact the SHRM team for details)

SHRM Mena Awards
Past Winner Case Studies


Move Together Towards Tomorrow by and work with HR leaders from across the globe at the SHRM MENA Annual Conference & Expo 2023. Don’t miss the chance to join a community of pioneers who are set on building thriving workplaces!